The splendour of silence, surrender and serinity


Ms Nanette Layug Acuña Calvert, En in short, is the Founding Owner and Spa Director of the prestigious and globally multi-award winning TIRTA SPA on Boracay Island, Philippines. Tirta Spa is now 17 years in the spa industry.

After spending several years of work experience in the airline industry in Hong Kong, where she used to live and holds a permanent residency, she decided to embrace her desire and purpose in dedicating herself towards improving the quality of life for others.

She committed the next stage of her life by taking the first step in enrolling at the reputable SPA College Institute in Hong Kong. This begun En Calvert’s journey of living life holistically and translating her experience into practice. En has continuously sought to improve and expand her knowledge through years of vigorous study. She has graduated with diplomas in Spa Management, Physiology, Anatomy, Holistic Massage techniques, Facial and Aromatherapy, Cranial Sacral, Fascia Release Techniques and Lymphatic Drainage. She has also received internationally recognized diplomas from both ITEC (International Therapy Examination Council) and CIBTAC (Confederation of International Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology), the world’s two most respected bodies in these fields in the UK.

To further enhance her expertise and wealth of experience in the spa industry, En Calvert also went to Sedona Arizona to study and been certified as clinical and aesthetic Aroma therapist, took her Reiki in South Africa and basic Ayurvedic in her school in Hong Kong, then continued to learn it more in Kerala, India. 

En is also an Advance Pranic Healing practitioner, Pranic Psychotherapist, Pranic Crystal Healer and a certified  Hypnotherapist!

Ms. Calvert has been travelling to different parts of the globe, not only to study, but also in order to enjoy some world-renowned spa treatments as a client at first, but also to learn about and experience first-hand, some of the less well-known therapies that are peculiar to particular cultures.

In this way, not only has she experienced much as a spa client, but, more importantly, has expanded her knowledge as a spa director, ensuring that both her business and clients benefit from a first-class academic background together with practical experience.


En’s message is founded on the paramount value of ‘experience’ clearly demonstrated from years of study, with diplomas and certifications received.

She strongly encourages more people to experience her uniquely designed spa offerings at the globally acclaimed TIRTA SPA on Boracay Island!

For two decades now, En has devoted her time more also in researching various avenues of spiritual alternative complementary healing therapy around the world. As we are mostly aware, STRESS is actually one of the root causes of diseases and illnesses, namely, cancer, which is prevalent in most societies. En’s recent research and studies has affirmed that a key preventive tool against illnesses, is to be spiritual and be in a much deeper dimension of relaxation. She became acutely aware and learned of the significant benefits of SPIRITUALITY and ENERGY HEALING.

As a result of her driving passion in healing people, she discovered that ENERGY HEALING OF TIBETAN SOUND AND VIBRATION THERAPY, using Himalayan and Tibetan Singing Bowls, Pure Crystal Quarts Singing Bowls, Gong, Tingsha, Chimes, Tuning Forks and other soft musical instruments are highly effective healing therapy. En once again has travelled several times to India to study about SOUND HEALING in Ashram Meditation School in Reshikesh, under Satyam Shivam Sundaram Meditation School, which she is also a member of (Samaveda International Sound Healers Academy), right at the foothills of the Himalaya. Then more than a year later after that, she has completed her Sound Healing Masters Teacher Training in Anahata Meditation Yoga Hall School in Goa, India.

With the knowledge shared by reputable Indian and Russian (Physicists) Sound Healing Masters and the breath taking peaceful experience at foothills of the  Himalayas, she was able to focus and understand fully, the unique vibration waves and its effect on improving peoples’ well-being, through the sound vibrations.

She realised that there is an increasing demand for SOUND HEALERS in the world and a lack of Certified Sound Healing Therapists! We are proud to share that Ms En Calvert has begun her new cause of improving quality of lives by training others to become a Certified Sound Healing Therapist. She has opened her own International School Academy – TIBETAN SOUND HEALING MEDITATION SCHOOL, located in her spa on Boracay Island, Philippines, or she can be invited to teach at any place or country, for those who wanted to be CERTIFIED as a SOUND HEALING THERAPIST!

We value your health and comfort above all else. Thus, the combination of our serene setting, highly qualified spa therapists and specialized body and skincare treatments will ensure wonderful results for your overall well-being.

We also believe in the importance of being good to oneself and we make it a point to make you feel good about yourself. Whether you want to spend a blissful time with friends, a loved one or on a solitary getaway, we are confident that you will leave our premises feeling on top of the world.

Whether your desire is therapeutic, aesthetic or merely relaxation, you can be sure of fulfillment at Tirta Spa.

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